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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Evaluation Q4

4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

In this question is was my role to open the question and start discussion, it was my job to bring up new technologies and move on as much as possible to help the group as this was one of the questions I prepared. However I had to let everyone say their piece, and the aim was for me to open discussion, rather than say the answer.
I prepared for this question and I had to talk about things such as the hardware and software we used, the equipment we used and how it has progressed from our AS levels. I think that I definately said enough, without leaving the rest of my group with nothing to say. I am also glad that I was able to develop on some points where otherwise we may have been too brief, this is particularly to do with some of the more technical aspects.
As I was the one out of the group to prepare for this question I was able to extend and continue towards the end of question 3. I think that the question came together very well and we covered every aspect of technologies.

This image shows us in action with our equipment and technologies

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