Music Video

Album Cover

Album Cover



Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dear Moderator

Thanks alot for looking through my individual and group blog, I hope you enjoy them. To the right I have linked my group blog, my teachers blog and then the rest of my group members individual blogs. All these other blogs also link back to my blog in the same way. My teachers blog has links to all the individual blogs and all the group blogs too.

My individual blog includes my initial ideas and planning. It mainly consists of early project work from earlier stages where we where not yet working in groups. From then on it includes reflections of group work and some progress reports. At the end you will find my answers to the evaluation questions  in the form of a video of a group discussion which we filmed and participated in. These videos have also been posted in full on the group blog.

My group blog is where you will find evidence of my group's planning and project development work. It also includes ant research that we did together which inspired or influenced our final project.

As a group our decision was to produce an album cover and a website homepage; hosted on, to go with our music video. All of these elements are linked to both my individual and group blogs.

I hope that you are able to easily find your way around my blogs, all the posts are also organised in oder of date from the beginning of the project in June 2009 until we finished in December 2009. I have tagged every post with a label to identify whether it belongs to my research, planning or evaluation. I have used this system on my individual and group blogs however on my group blog I have also tagged any post I contributed to or was individually responsible for with my name.


Tomas Deason 5245