Music Video

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Music Video Workshop

Evalutaion Questions:
1. What do you think you learnt from Friday's workshop? It could be specific things about making a music video OR general things about the production process.
For me I think I learnt the most about how the crew worked together as a team. There was not so much on the technical side of things, as although the equipment was of a much higher quality and calibre than ours, much of the process involved was not dissimiliar to methods we use already.
I found that the directors interaction with the actors, crew and footage (observing) was what was most important on the day, and is something we need to work to direct like in the future. He really spoke to his actors and crew to keep them in loop and on the same page between takes, and while shooting was taking place he could then step back, let them do the work and observe the footage. This meant that he allowed them to really do their own thing, in a way which he was happy with. It was effective and is a very nice way to work, as a director or actor/crew.
2. For you, what was the best bit?
For me my favourite part was getting to see a bit how the crew worked with the proffesional equipment and some of the tricks and methods they used. I liked watching Jake Wynne in action directing and how he got what he wanted. I would have loved to have done this all myself but this was the next best thing.
3. How do you think the work we have done will impact on your group project?
I think that the biggest influence for me on this workshop will be seeing Jake Direct. I liked the way he addressed the people working around him and how he spoke to them to get what they wanted, doing things like performing parts almost stupidly to relax the actors and to drive home points. However I think that the same success and efficiency can be reached with group direction and multiple directors having an input. I dont think we need to change anything from how my group works.
I think that having been around for the workshop has made me realise how important pre production planning has to be and how meticulous our plans must be. We need to really think about detailed schedules and more importantly reach targets within them. Plans must in no way be chronological, instead we need to plan by location first, and then by actors. I think that organisation is paramount to making the most ou of your time and shooting good footage. I think that production day performance can make or break videos, and the only other option is to use extra shooting days. Having said that I believe plans must be dynamic rather than set in stone, weather is something that demands this, and perhaps a reason to avoid outside locations.

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